不過我認為modeller應該要有自認為是digital sculptor的體認,這些做出來的models都是sculptures,既然是sculptures,就不應該只有T-pose而已,posing應該也在作品之中展現,在技術層面上,有posing的models可以看得出模型點現面分佈的合理與否,也可驗證models是否可以經得起deformation,藝術層面上,可以表現作者對此人物的詮釋,還有作者對美感的掌握度,像是這些reels:
Modelling Reel通常是應徵工作用的,雖然對modellers而言,posing得多花許多功夫,不過對雇主而言,可以更了解應徵者程度,對應徵者而言,也可藉此表現自己的真正能力,如此豈不完美。
I agree with Anonymous, those are completely different steps of presentation.
As a 3D animator I also want to see the wire frame before the finalized textured pose, it tells me how this model is balanced and done in appropriate proportion.
Then go to the finalized pose with all that fancy lighting and stuff, it will sell the work better if you have both presentation than just one.
But instead of doing such still shots, it would be more powerful in a reel if you just animate it.
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