

第80屆奧斯卡剛剛揭曉,Ratatouille贏得最佳動畫長片獎,最佳動畫短片則由Peter and the Wolf獲得。

Peter and the Wolf


Yung-Lo said...

I was trying hard to find peter and the wolf, but nowhere to be found.
the youtube one has already been pulled, that's too bad.

Ming, you want to share your opinion why short films that doesn't meant to make profit has such strict rule against public broadcasting? Isn't more people see the film actually help them to get some publicity they deserved?

Ming said...

Short films sure can make a profit when they get a lot of attention. They are selling it's DVD (it's even released in Taiwan), so I am not surprised Youtube videos got pulled out. People like you want to see it after it won Oscar which gave it enough publicity. So of course they won't show it for free from now on.