

Peter Sohn,Pixar短片 - Partly Cloudy的導演,在這個訪談中提到身為導演的一些工作,他說,導演的工作就是"溝通",並且把"信任"帶到團隊之中,跟團隊合作時,他試圖讓團隊融入到影片的氣氛之中,所以在指導動畫師的時候,他試圖讓動畫師去想像那些相同的情感狀態,而他也得了解這個團隊的成員。另外訪問者提到預算的問題,Sohn說很幸運地,做這部短片時沒有關於預算的問題,不過倒是得挑選適合的人選參與這個案子,跟Up一樣,這部短片也是立體電影,他則認為立體效果可以幫助說故事,不過可不是只要加上立體效果,影片就會升級般截然不同,它跟其他東西一樣,只是一個工具而已。

提到立體電影,Up的示範讓我們知道立體效果可以不光只是噱頭而已,下面另一篇關於作者從Up學到的10個立體鏡頭技巧,Ten Stereoscopic Tricks I Learned From Pixar

1. It needs to work in mono first. If watching the mono the cuts seem odd- (because it is cut that way just for stereo 3D), then you are approaching your film the wrong way. See Journey to the Centre of the Earth

2. Dont push it on divergency – my eyes look in, not out

3. Be careful with defocus and 3D stereo. In the real world if I look around the shot… I bring that part of the shot into focus.

4. Avoid lens flares – they are really hard to get right – and would often affect one eye differently than the other in the real world. See U2:3D

5. Try and stay inside the screen, dont make we work to hard for the 3D effect – it takes me out of the film experience. See Meet the Robinsons

6. Give the audience a clear thing to look at, a clear visual layout or direction, I want to be directed – I want to not have to look around for the point of the shot.

7. Watch reflections – I change my focus when I look at reflections on say glass – as they are ‘further away’. The problem with reflections in Stereo 3D – I can look at them but the focus or otherwise of the reflections dont change as they would in real life.

8. Dont animate convergence in the shot – it is too clever and it annoys me to the point of a headache See Best of Both Worlds Concert : Miley Cyrus – on second thoughts – dont see it (unless you are a ten year old girl and if you are; why are you reading this?.. go,.. play).

9. Make the Stereo work completely be an extension of the camera and lens choices, understand the cinematography before picking the convergence.

10. Focus on the story first : See UP

或許之後立體效果可以跟color script一樣,有一個整部影片立體效果變化的map可以看,變成更有計畫的,幫助說故事的工具。

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